dōTERRA’s loyalty rewards program provides free product credits for monthly purchases ordered each month. Participating in this program is optional and highly encouraged.  As a participant in the loyalty rewards program, you will immediately begin to earn product credits that can be used as cash to purchase DōTerra product. The longer you participate in the LRP program, the more credits you can earn—up to 30%


Example:  If you place a 100pv order and you are in your first three months of the program, you would be earning 10% of your order total back in free product…so 10pv is what would be credited to your rewards point bank.

If you have been on the LRP program for over a year you are now earning 30% of your order totals back in free product…so a 100pv order would earn 30pv into your rewards point bank.

You can redeem these points for products. Each oil is assigned a Point Value (pv). For example Lemon is 10pv. If you order 100pv and get 10pv back, essentially you’ve earned a free bottle of lemon. As your points accrue over time is enables you to redeem them for whatever oil you choose.


  • 1-49pv keeps you on the program
  • 50pv and above you earn a percentage back on your order. You start at 10% and can work your way up to 30% back. So a 50pv purchase would start giving you 5pv back in the beginning and then increase to 15pv in time. If you have a minimum order of 50pv each month, you will reach the 30% in 13 months.
  • 100pv qualifies you for bonuses
  • 125 pv by the 15th of the month gets you the free product of the month.
  • No limit to monthly LRP product points that you can earn.
  • LRP orders may process any day of the month from the 1st through the 28th.
  • Total accrued product points will be viewable online through your virtual office.
  • Product of the Month Club – IPCs or PCs with a qualified minimum loyalty rewards order of 125+ PV that is processed by the 15th of the month will receive a FREE gift (varies each month)! The gift is limited to one per account per month.
  • Freedom to change your membership rewards order up to your monthly ship date.
Terms and Conditions:
  • Minimum loyalty rewards order of 50pv to earn monthly product credits and increase point accrual status.
  • Product credits expire 12 months from the date of issue.
  • Product credits can be used to purchase full PV (product value) products only.
  • Product credits can be redeemed by phone by calling 1-800-411-8151.
  • Redemption orders cannot be combined with other product orders.
  • IPC pays a redemption fee of $3 per $100 redeemed. Applicable taxes and shipping and handling charges will apply.
  • Must be an Loyalty Rewards participant for 60 days before credits can be redeemed.
  • All product credits will be immediately cancelled with loyalty rewards cancellation.
  • Product credits have no PV or cash redemption value and are not transferable.
  • Products purchased with loyalty rewards credits are not for resale.
To help with occasional hardships, the following rules for LRP orders between 1-49 PV will be implemented as follows:
  • will maintain point accrual status
  • will not lose existing points accrued
  • will not earn points on LRP orders below 50 PV
  • will not progress in point accrual status on orders below 50 PV